(View Alexandra's LinkedIN Profile Here)

Alexandra’s CV is extensive and covers a great range of experiences and roles. Since 2007 Alexandra has worked as a sought after consultant to the public and third sectors specialising in Community Engagement in Public Policy. Alexandra would be really interested to be approached and considered as a consultant to any organisation seeking to find its authenticity and ethical presence in the world. The Roots and Rites inquiry which is found on this website as a personal development model is also smoothly applicable to organisational and community development as well. If you feel that your organisation is genuinely committed to radical, grassroots, ethical models of working then please get in touch at [email protected] to arrange a conversation to explore what might be possible. 


Alexandra refuses to work with organisations that are paying lip service to being radical, grassroots and ethical and therefore reserves the right to turn down a request for consultancy on that basis. After years of working as a consultant Alexandra no longer has time for organisations that see policy as a file of paper on the shelf which ticks the boxes; unless your organisation is willing to see policy as your lived practice and are willing to “walk your talk” then Alexandra will not work with you. Please expect to be asked about your stance on equality, inclusion, diversity, environment, and financial ethics. 


Alexandra’s day rate for consultancy starts at £750 per day for lower income community organisations and rises to £1500 + expenses for private companies.


Alexandra’s rate for public speaking engagements including presenting to the Board or organisational away days on ethical and spiritual management practices start at £200 per hour + expenses rising according to the income and status of the commissioning organisation.